The Kabbalistic Library of Giovanni Pico della Mirandola
(Nino Aragno Editore)
1. The Great Parchment. Flavius Mithidates’ Latin Translation, The Hebrew Text, and an English Version. Edited by G. Busi with S. M. Bondoni and S. Campanini, Turin, Nino Aragno Editore, 2004, 272 p., € 50,00 («The Kabbalistic Library of Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, 1»).
2. The Book of Bahir. Edited by S. Campanini with a Foreword by G. Busi, Turin, Nino Aragno Editore, 2005, 564 p., € 60,00 («The Kabbalistic Library of Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, 2»).
3. MENAHEM RECANATI, Commentary on the Daily Prayers. Edited by G. Corazzol with a Foreword by G. Busi, Turin: Nino Aragno Editore; Berlin: Institut für Judaistik freie Universität; Firenze: Istituto Nazionale di Studi sul Rinascimento, 2008, 2 vols., 860 pp., € 70,00 («The Kabbalistic Library of Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, 3»).
4. YOSEF GIQATILLA, The Book of Punctuation. Edited by A. Martini, with a Foreword by G. Busi, Turin, Nino Aragno Editore, 2010, 546 pp., € 60,00 («The Kabbalistic Library of Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, 4»).
5. The Gate of Heaven. Flavius Mithridates’ Latin translation, the Hebrew text, and an English version. Edited with introduction and notes by S. Jurgan and S. Campanini with a text on Pico by G. Busi, Turin: Nino Aragno Editore; Berlin: Institut für Judaistik freie Universität; Firenze: Istituto Nazionale di Studi sul Rinascimento, 2012, 2 vols., 574, 191* pp., € 80,00 («The Kabbalistic Library of Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, 5»).
Books in preparation:
The Crown of the Good Name.
AVRAHAM ABULAFIA, The Secrets of the Torah.